Angelina Jolie’s former security guard comes out with shocking allegations against her in Brad Pitt case

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s separation has been amazingly open, and the aftermath is by all accounts unquestionably dreadful. There appears to be new information emerging at the moment.

Continue to peruse to find out about what the most recent update is.

A previous safety officer who worked for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is emerging for certain upsetting charges against the entertainer and what she did while wedded to Pitt.

In the court reports that have now been gotten by the media, it appears to be that Pitt’s legal counselors are saying that a previous safety officer named Tony Webb was informed that Jolie had told the kids not to address Pitt when their guardianship visits occurred.

The archives likewise asserted that Jolie endeavored to utilize non-divulgence arrangements (NDAs) to undermine the safety officers into quiet about this.

The reports are important for the years-long fight in court between the two exes over their joint Château Miraval grape plantation. For this situation, there has been a lot of to and fro over the utilization of NDAs and different issues.

As per the archives, Webb was the “top of Jolie’s security detail for quite some time, and he stayed in that job for around four years after the couple separated.”

Webb expressed that Jolie “expected him and his workers for hire to sign NDAs connecting with different individual and expert subtleties of her, and her family’s, life.”

After the couple petitioned for legal separation, they had a significant care fight over their six youngsters. As per the reports, Webb guaranteed he “got numerous calls from Jolie’s delegate, who told Mr. Webb to remind his staff that they had gone into NDAs with Jolie and that assuming they affirmed in a care continuing, Jolie would sue them.”


Webb said that he had passed the message on to his project workers, and the two of them affirmed that they would affirm if they somehow happened to be summoned.

The records additionally asserted that “one of them let Webb know that ‘he would affirm about proclamations he heard that Ms. Jolie made to the kids, empowering them to abstain from investing energy with Mr. Pitt during care visits.'”

The reports additionally expressed that the “the two security project workers both affirmed” in spite of being threated with being sued and not long after, Mr. Webb’s organization was terminated by Jolie.

Webb himself doesn’t actually have heard Jolie’s mandate training the kids not to connect with Pitt during care visits. He currently likewise works for Pitt.


Jolie’s lawyer, Paul Murphy has from that point forward tended to the media over this. “Mr. Pitt’s continued attempt to equate common NDAs for security personnel and housekeepers covering confidential information employees learn at work, with him demanding an expanded NDA to ensure the continued coverup of his deplorable actions remains shameful,” he stated in a statement.

This case isn’t about NDAs in that frame of mind, about power and control. Angelina has always wanted to be apart from her family, to be healthy, and to have healthy relationships with everyone in their family, including Mr. Pitt. She anticipates the day when he is at last ready to let her go,” the assertion further read.

The most recent recording comes after north of a month after Jolie’s legal counselor documented reports guaranteeing that Pitt had been genuinely oppressive toward her even before the supposed notorious plane occurrence of 2016. That occurrence, as per reports, was the straw that broke the camel’s back in requesting a separation.


The movement that Jolie’s legitimate group recorded toward the beginning of April, most spun around the argument about their portions of proprietorship in their French winery domain, Château Miraval.

Her lawful group recorded a movement requesting that the court force Pitt and his legitimate group to give “reactions” and “reports” that made sense of why the entertainer “unexpectedly molded his acquisition of Jolie’s portion of Miraval on her consenting to a significantly extended NDA currently covering Pitt’s own unfortunate behavior, regardless of whether connected with Miraval.”

Jolie immovably guarantees that this transition to request NDAs was Pitt’s endeavor to “conceal” the supposed maltreatment against Jolie and their youngsters.


Pitt was never accused of a wrongdoing after specialists examined the 2016 plane occurrence.

Rather than what Jolie’s legitimate group is talking about, Pitt’s attorneys claim that it was Jolie and her group who mentioned a “more extensive” NDA.

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