Creating a beautiful garden is no easy task — I’ve learned that the hard way. But here’s something I wish I’d known sooner: Jerusalem crickets can actually work wonders in your garden…
So forget the chemicals, don’t be afraid and let nature do the job.
If you’ve ever spotted a Stenopelmatus in your yard, you might’ve thought twice before rushing to squash it.
Known to many as a potato bug, Jerusalem cricket, or even the Skull Insect, this little creature has a bad rap for looking a bit intimidating. But here’s the truth: it’s not a spider, scorpion, or even a cricket, and it’s completely harmless — no poison here!
The name ”potato bug” can be misleading, as it’s also used for several other bugs that love potatoes. So, don’t confuse the Jerusalem cricket with the Colorado potato beetle, pillbugs, or sowbugs.
There are at least 100 species of Jerusalem crickets, mostly found in the Western United States, stretching from California to Oklahoma, and as far south as Mexico.

Truth about the name
Jerusalem crickets thrive in sandy areas and often seek shelter under natural objects like rocks, logs, or decaying plant matter.
They can also make their way into homes, particularly in spaces like garages, where they find a safe and dark environment.
One can’t help but be curious about the name, and according to WebMD, there’s a funny story behind it. Jerusalem crickets aren’t from Jerusalem, nor are they related to the city in any way.
They got their name because their appearance tends to startle people. When they were first discovered, people would sometimes exclaim “Jerusalem!” as a mild euphemism for stronger expletives when surprised.

If you’re trying to spot a Jerusalem cricket, there are a few things to look out for. First, they have six legs, with the front legs being much larger than the others. Their small eyes are not as noticeable, but their distinctive humpbacked body is a key feature — similar to camel crickets.
You’ll also notice their backs are often patterned with yellow and black stripes, making them stand out. Compared to other crickets, their rear legs are short and covered in spines, which is another giveaway.
Munch on organic waste
What it does have is a powerful pair of mandibles, which it uses to munch on organic waste near garden plants.
This might sound small, but it plays a big role in the environment by loosening soil and allowing oxygen to flow to the plant roots. In other words, the potato bug is helping to make gardens thrive – and they aren’t harmful to plants. In fact, they can help with decomposition.
Living for just about a year, this critter spends its nights foraging for food and seeking out safe places to hide. If you see one, don’t be quick to kill it.
Instead, recognize that it’s working hard to improve the soil and promote plant growth. So, next time you spot one, remember: the potato bug is one of nature’s unsung heroes, quietly doing its part to support a healthy garden.