New husband demands wife give stepdaughter her family heirloom instead of her own daughter

When someone becomes the custodian of a family heirloom, they take on the responsibility of ensuring its safe passage from one generation to the next. But for one woman, this simple plan took an unexpected turn when her new husband proposed an alternative approach.

Turning to Reddit for guidance, the 35-year-old woman shared her dilemma, rooted in her family’s tradition of passing down an emerald necklace to the eldest daughter or son on their 14th birthday. Her daughter, Emily, is slated to receive this cherished heirloom on her upcoming 14th birthday in January 2024.

The woman, married to her husband Joey for two years, explained that they had been together for four years, each bringing daughters from previous relationships into the marriage.

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Despite Joey’s awareness of the family tradition and the woman’s clear intention to pass the necklace to Emily, he stunned her during a Christmas gift discussion.

Joey suggested that his daughter, Sophia, should receive the emerald jewelry instead, arguing that it would symbolize the woman’s acceptance of Sophia as her daughter. Uncomfortable with this proposition, the woman reiterated that Emily knew about the family tradition and was eagerly anticipating receiving the necklace. However, Joey remained obstinate and refused to budge.

In a surprising turn, he accused his wife of favoritism, labeling her selfish and suggesting she could easily purchase another necklace for Emily on Amazon. Undeterred, the woman stood her ground, affirming that the family heirloom would rightfully go to Emily regardless of Joey’s stance.

His dissatisfaction was palpable as he resorted to giving her the silent treatment, except when the children were present. Despite Joey’s disapproval, the woman remained steadfast in her decision.

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Joey’s actions escalated the situation further by involving his mother and sister, who accused the woman of favoritism and sided with Joey’s belief that the necklace should go to Sophia.

Feeling the strain on her marriage, the woman sought opinions on Reddit to gauge whether her actions were justified. The response was overwhelmingly supportive of her stance.

One commenter expressed, “You’re not favoring one kid over another. Emily is your kid and the necklace is hers. Your [stepdaughter] is not entitled to anything. I would have told him that his daughter can get the knockoff from Amazon if it’s that important to him.”

They added a cautionary note: “That being said, you need to put the necklace in a safe place like a box in the bank or something because trust me, as soon as Emily has it, it’s going to ‘disappear’ or be broken by ‘accident.’”

Another echoed the sentiment, advising, ” It needs to be locked up in a safe place so that neither your [stepdaughter] nor your husband can get their hands on it. I would sit down with Emily and explain why you are doing so and that while you consider it hers, it’s best to keep it safe.”

What do you think of this situation? Would you have handled it the same way as this woman? Let us know in the comments!

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